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The Last Of 2014

I write this while travelling on the train to the work on the last working day of 2014. It’s this time of year that many people, yours truly included, will take the time to reflect on the year that has been & to make plans for the year to come. While I’m reflecting on this year, next year’s goals & dream will be for another post as there is much more reflecting that I would like to do.

There have been many ups & downs this year, 2014 has been quite the roller-coaster ride. Somehow, it feels like 2014 has only just begun, which is such a weird thing to say on the last day of it. I had quit a job, moved interstate, moved back, got a job, got promoted, graduated from uni with a post grad dip, enrolled to do my masters & got recommended to apply for the next intake of the graduate program at my place of work. In a nutshell, 2014 has been a year of change. I’m not a fan of change & it has been quite challenging to accept all these changes that we’re coming my way so quick & fast. It has been a learning experience & I got there in the end.

There are also aspects of my daily life which have also made a change of sorts. I’ve finally learned to listen to what my body is telling me & being better able to accept that I’m not going to be a size 6 model any time soon. I have fat rolls, love handles & thunder thighs. So what? I’m comfortable in it. I must also mention that I am not healthy at all eventhough I might look so on the outside. I might be a size 12 & weigh 65kg, but I’m pretty sure as hell am not even close to being healthy. I eat junk most of the time, barely eat fruit, have no exercise at all & consume a whole lot of sugar. That’s something that I’m going to be working on in the new year. Not so much to look good, more the fact that I want to be able to live long enough to see my grand kids.

I’ve always had the bad habit of leaving things till the very last minute & I’ve made a small change with that. By my calculations, I’ve only left half the things I wanted to do till last minute, but did half of them before they are due. Also something to work on for next year. And waiting for the perfect time to do stuff was always my excuse. Not anymore.

Reflecting on only what is a small part of the year, I’ve come to the conclusion that change isn’t such a bad thing. It stretches your capacity & builds upon the foundations you at underneath it. Not all change is bad, people have to evolve just as technology has to evolve in keeping up with people. If I had to pick it, I’d say 2015 will be another year full of change. Small changes that will lead to big changes & also big pay off’s. I am really looking forward to it being a great year!


I leave you here with a picture of part of my goal for next year as a sneak peek. Enjoy the celebrations & be safe everyone!

Resolutions 2014

2014-01-14 18.47.03


I read somewhere on the good old Internet about how a girl posted up a picture & a thing that she was grateful for, for 365 days. Not sure which article it was or where it was published, but it got me to thinking and evaluating things that have been happening in the past year or so for me. I know I made some New Year’s Resolutions last year, some of which I’ve achieved and others not so much.


Now is a good time as any to make some resolutions or goals for 2014. I’ve never been a huge resolution fan, I’d rather look at them as some goals to achieve and guide me for the year. I hope to review them in detail at the end of the year to see what I’ve achieved & look back at what life was in the year 2014.


First thing that I would like to achieve is to write more often here & document things that are happening in life so that I have some sort of memory of what went on. I know with life, study & all sorts of things, blogging daily won’t be something that can be achieved, but I would like to increase my writing frequency to document the big events in life.


Second thing that I would like to implement with this blog is to be thankful for at least 1 thing each day, although I might not post daily. With the things that go on in day to day life, it is sometimes easy to forget to be thankful for the little things in life. And it’s the little things in life that make life so colourful & interesting.


Thirdly, I would like to take more pictures each day. I have put this down last year too, but think this is probably an ongoing thing as I would like to improve my photography skills. Sometimes I think I’m just too lazy to whip out my camera or phone & I miss things, which is something that I don’t want to happen anymore. Learning to be more spontaneous with things & life will definitely help with this.


Lastly but not by any means the least, I would like to look at delving deeper into my hobbies, more so cooking and baking, and to see if there are any business opportunities in Melbourne to do with these. This one is pretty close to my heart as I’ve been wanting to embark on a business to do with either cooking or baking and would like to see some stuff happening in terms of that. I’ve put some ideas on hold due to personal reasons and the Melbourne move, but am now putting it out there so that I can hold myself accountable to it all.


On a side note, a few other things that I would like to achieve in the short term is to secure a job prior to the Melbourne move, complete my 3 week prac (starts next week, eek!!), finish my Graduate Diploma in Information & Library Studies, as well as settle well into Melbourne. I work best by setting small goals each day & working through that. It has taken me nearly 28 years to figure out how to understand my body is telling me, but I am taking it day by day & learning to love myself & life a bit more each day 🙂