by Kristine | Jun 5, 2015 | Friday Matters
Just a quick post to say that I am indeed alive after quite a bit of gap, I’ve been busy with uni, work & life in general. I’ve got the day off work today to complete my uni assignment & thus signals the end of the first semester. I’ve got a few things lined up for the semester break & I’m hoping that I can get to them in that short space of time.

One of the more exciting things I did recently was get me a Kindle. I’ve always had my doubts about the viability of the Kindle & the price of books versus being able to borrow free books from the library on my Tab etc, I was sold when my colleagues talked about almost 1900 free books that she had on a thumb drive. Dick Smith was having a sale on the 3G version, so I hopped, skipped & ran to Dick Smith the next day I got my grubby hands on the Kindle Paperwhite. I’ll have to write up a review about it soon, but in short, I’m absolutely loving it!

I had won a signed copy of Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen Notebook a few weeks back & it finally arrived in the mail yesterday! The pictures inside were filled with colour & the recipes were definitely not ones that I’ve ever seen before. I’m really chuffed with the whole thing! Will be fun to try some of the recipes in there some day!
I guess that’s it from me for a while. I’ve got a 50% assignment to finish up today & then I can commiserate by not looking at uni work for the next 2 months or so! Have a lovely Friday!
by Kristine | May 22, 2015 | Friday Matters
It’s been a pretty ok week so far, nothing exciting has been happening. I had my nephew’s first birthday last Saturday & it was a Disney themed birthday.

My Disney leggings were as close as I got to the Disney theme. Actually donned red lipstick for it & got my face did up. I don’t clean up too shabby, I don’t think 😂

We got quite the sight at work on Wednesday when the window cleaners made their descent while cleaning the windows. I’m near a corner of the building so there were something like 4 planes that the window cleaners were working on. Funny thing is it rained pretty much right after the windows were cleaned. Haha apparently this always happens! It seems to be window cleaning time in the CBD this week, I’m going to assume it’ll rain each day then.

I treated myself to some new Rimmel by Kate Moss lippies. I was wanting shade 10 but they sold out & I had to settle for these 2 shades as it was 3 for the price of 2 over at Priceline. I went in to get myself a liquid eyeliner cause my new Scandaleyes one wasn’t quite up to par. I miss the Maybelline Line Stilletto one, they don’t do them any more.
That’s this edition of Friday Matters for me! How was your week?
by Kristine | May 1, 2015 | Eternal Student, Fashion, Friday Matters, Working Woman
I’ve decided to come up with hopefully a weekly series of Friday musings. It’s the day of the week I generally look forward to the most, given that I usually head over to Matt’s for the weekend & not have to worry about work for at least 2 whole days.
This Friday is slightly different as I’m at mine for the weekend due to an assignment which is due at midnight which I haven’t quite done much for. It’s a bad habit I have, leaving assignments till the last minute, but I find that I work the best under pressure. There’s a difference between pressure & tiredness & unfortunate these 2 nearly always intersect when I’m writing the assignment. No matter, I’ve got a plan to finish my assignment tonight as I’ve done a few bits & pieces. Also helps that the unit is a first year unit which is modified slightly for postgraduates. For that, I’m grateful.
The other night I tried my hand at some overnight curls for the 2nd time & it didn’t end very well. As my hair is very long & slightly dry, the curls stuck too much & I couldn’t separate them for then to look presentable. Instead, I looked like someone who had a bad day with an electric socket. I’ll spare you that picture, but he’s what I did to get those stubborn curls.

When I woke up, I found all my bobby pins stored on my bedside table which was so weird. I must’ve taken it off in the middle of the night without realising it. Heh. Lesson learned from this experiment, don’t twist but curl & don’t put it all in a high pony tail to sleep.
Also an update on my flu shot arm, it’s gotten better & I’m only left with a slight discoloured ring on my arm & it’s not sore any more. Not bad I say.
Needing to get through work today & that assignment before the weekend here it’s Borderlands time! Also time to work on the next assignment which is due next Friday. I’m betting I’ll leave it all till the last minute again 😂
Anything exciting happen during the week? Let me know in the comment s
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