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It’s the final week of the semester break before uni starts up again for the semester on Monday. I’m looking forward to finishing up this semester as that would mean that I’ve only got the research units left next year.


I’m setting myself the goal to get good grades again for this semester – at least 2 credits or higher. I’m not aiming to be the top student or anything, but I guess to make my learning time semi enjoyable & worth the time, money & effort. The 2 units I’ve got this semester aren’t my favourite & the assessment format & lecturers are probably the worst combo I’ve got. I’m hoping to get out of this relatively unscathed & still sane.


Another piece of news is that I’ve been accepted into the job pool that I’ve applied for twice but failed the one time. This time I’ve been accepted & hopefully should get an offer soon. Am hoping it’s sooner rather than later as I’ve just about had it with my job & the current pay I’m on. I’ve been told by my colleagues & boss to apply for the Summer Vac Program, which I will, just so that I’ve got back up plans. Problem is, if I’m accepted into it, I’ve got 12 weeks of work, possibly an offer for the Grad program which starts in 2017 but no guarantee anything might happen & I might lose my current job. I’ve got many second thoughts about it, but worth applying than not knowing what could have happened.


I’m making the most of my last few days before uni by watching as much TV as I can get my hands on & watching lots of cooking programs. What can I say, I am food obsessed!