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It has been quite a busy week so far with uni resuming. The irony is, I haven’t even started my uni work. Just been busy with work & running around doing other things. Plus work has been boring lately, today has been the icing on the cake as there isn’t much to do & I’m stuck with doing work that is reserved only for when it is quiet. Which is pretty mind numbing.


I’m hoping that I get called up for my job pool pretty soon, I’m not sure how much longer my brain can be so stagnant. I’ve tried to rack my brain the other day for the last time I did any Professional Development, and last I recall it was in 2012 or 2013. Which says a lot about work investing time & effort into developing my skills. I’m not entirely happy with the situation & truth be told am a bit annoyed that I was always busy with work to be doing CPD. I’m hoping in my next job, it will be different & that I will be given opportunities to develop & expand my skills. At the moment, I’m buying time in my supposedly temp job that was supposed to last for 3 months, but stretched to over a year. I am thankful that I have work, but at the same time am wanting to do & achieve more.


Enough ranting for the night. I needed to get that out my system before I blurted that out at work inadvertently. Work has been strongly encouraging my to apply for their summer vacation program, which I will do at some point next week. I’ve also seen a job ad for some positions that I’ve had my eye on since January, that’s been advertised today. That’s on my to-do list for next week amongst other things.


Might be time to be getting some work done before bed time. It has been a long day today.